Yeah,maybe u will be surprise,so let me introduce myslef first .i’m chinnese ;29years old ;healthy;and if i say i’m handsome u must be unbelieving so i would rather say i’m not ugly(u will see),maybe the reason that i don’t have a gf as my wish is shy,so every my previous gf was active ,but me ,passive.i have go in for finance last few years.
Demand :pretty, of course.i’m partial to plump girl,not fat but a little ,i think some girls ‘s aesthetic standard is wrong,they like thin ,but it’s firewood in my eye. Most important thing is no cosmetic surgery.i hate this,from i studied in medical university to now. About money:i’m shy,as i said,so ,forgive me that seek a gf with this method. Also,money is resource for living,not bad.last,i wish to meet u,thank u. Q:1182197557 i’ll be on line after 5:00 pm at workday